About Me

I'm just a girl embarking on life...

Friday, January 16, 2009

Today's Strategies for Warmth

So, I tried a few fun things from my list to stay warm today. Didn't want to scare off my neighbors since I'm still the new kid on the block, so I ventured to the gym. I felt even better about myself than usual for hitting the gym so early, since my car said -15 and there were only about 5 people at the entire Princeton Club. The rest of the day was fairly typical, but my heart and soul were warmed with the arrival of my best friend, Melea, from Iowa. We ventured to Hilldale Mall for a bit o' shopping, dinner at the Great Dane and a movie. Nothing like buying 2 pairs of Dansko sandals on the clearance rack to put a girl in the mood for the summer.

On another note, anyone been to the Sundance Theatre? It was a fabulous way to stay warm - they even have a gourmet coffee, wine and cocktail bar! We saw Slumdog Millionaire... I'd highly recommend it and despite the dramatic storyline, it had a warm ending.

1 comment:

  1. That sounds like fun! I've got my Uggs ready for my visit and you are buying sandals...too funny! :o)
